Title: What Looks Like Crazy, Nutcase, High Anxiety
Author: Charlotte Hughes
Series: 1, 2 and 3
Type of book: Romantic Humor
Why did I read it? This genre is a favorite and the descriptions promised funny and a little romantic.
How did I read it?: On my Kindle eReader
Level of captivity: All three were easy to keep going right from the start. Fortunately, for me the books are short enough to complete in a day, as they are hard to put down.
Scale of Fun
(1-5, 1=not so much, 5=so much fun I want more.) 4.3
Insomnia Scale
(1-5, 1=can stop reading and go to sleep at the proper bed time, 5=can’t sleep ‘til I am finished) 4.7
What I got from the book: Told in first person, I again enjoyed the inner-workings of the protagonist’s thought processes as she dealt with her everyday world. She has the almost expected slightly functional family issues and borderline neurosis as most of my heroes do. Our lead character is a psychologist and has a parade of delightful and some less than delightful clients. I also am happy to feel the author has not finished with this character so I am looking forward to maybe at least one or two more books to read in the future.
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