Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Heads You Lose

Title:   Heads You Lose
Author: Lisa Lutz & David Hayward
Series: no
Type of book: Murder mystery
Why did I read it? Heard about this book on NPR while driving. The authoers were bring interviewed and I felt I needed to check this book out.
How did I read it?:  Kindle Reader
Level of captivity: This was a little slow to get started but persistence paid off in the end with a surprise.
Scale of Fun
(1-5, 1=not so much,  5=so much fun I want more.)           3.9
Insomnia Scale
(1-5, 1=can stop reading and go to sleep at the proper bed time, 5=can’t sleep ‘til I am finished)                                                                             2
What I got from the book: The story itself was intriguing enough but the overlying story that unfolds between the chapters was most entertaining. Make sure you read the footnotes included. The authors have a kind of duel that goes along with the story and it gives an insight in how a collaborative work can be created. I had fun reading this book and if you want a good old-fashioned who-dun-nit, this is one to read. 

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